Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Ninth Journey ( Argentina)

“The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men - from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms”… Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Official Story (Argentina 1985) director, Luis Puenzo

My name is Gaby Marnet Ibenez. I was born 22 years ago in Argentina. This is my story:

When I was thirteen my parents were divorced. At first, I could not believe this; I thought their marriage was perfect. As time progressed, I realized that I was the source of their problems, and my life will never be the same. The secret they kept made me wonder about life and how could people be so mean. My mother told me that I was adopted, that my real parents were kidnapped and killed because the military believed them to be dissidents and that my father adopted me. When they divorced, I decided to live with my mother who had befriended my biological grandmother. I grew to love my grandmother and feel betrayed by the system that killed my biological parents. From time to time, I speak with my adopted father, but our relationship is estranged. Over the years, my mother educated me well and this is my first year in law school. I have to become a victim’s of the “Dirty War” advocate. I support families whose family members were abducted as a result of “Dirty War”. I also search for their children who have been illegally adopted by other families. I will fight with every breathe in my body to make sure that another child does not suffer like me.

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